Proclamation and Procrastination

Series: Acts

Speaker: Dean Wiebracht

July 5, 2020

Acts 24:1-27

Sermon Notes

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 Questions for Reflection and Discussion

Acts 24:1-27

Proclamation and Procrastination


Read Ac 23:31-35.  Why and how did Paul end up in Caesarea?

Digging In

  1. Read Ac 24:1-8. Who is Tertullus?  How does he try to gain the favor of Governor Felix?
  2. What charges does he bring against Paul?
  3. Read vss. 9-16. How does Paul defend himself against the allegation that he was a troublemaker who stirred up riots?
  4. How about the charge of being a ringleader of the Nazarene sect?
  5. Read vss. 17-23. How does Paul answer the charge of desecrating the temple?
  6. What does Felix decide to do? Why?
  7. Read vss. 24-27. What did Paul speak about?
  8. Why would these topics have been particularly relevant, and provocative for Felix and Drusilla?
  9. What does this say about Paul that he was willing to address these unpopular issues? How was he an example of 1 Pet 3:15-16?
  10. How did Felix respond to his conversations with Paul?

Getting Personal

  • What would it look like to follow Paul’s example of bold proclamation today?
  • How do we do this in a way that’s consistent with Col 4:5-6 and 1 Pet 3:15-16?
  • Why do you think we sometimes procrastinate?
  • In what kinds of situations are you most likely to procrastinate?
  • Are you putting off something that God is prompting you to do? -- a step of obedience, an act of service, an apology, a granting of forgiveness and letting go of bitterness?
  • How can you apply what you’ve learned from this passage?

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