
SVCC's Vision for Children

We view parents as having the primary responsibility to lead their children to Christ, helping them to grow. Our children’s ministry aims at supporting the efforts of our parents, as well as reaching out to children who do not come from Christian homes.

Children's Programs

  • We have a nursery for infants and toddlers under 4 years of age.
  • Children’s Sunday School will resume in September. Have a great summer.

Sunday School Curriculum

  • Answers Bible Curriculum (ABC) is a chronological presentation of the history and truths found in the Bible. The most important theme in all of Scripture - the redemption of fallen mankind by Jesus Christ - is gradually revealed throughout the Old Testament and brought into sharp focus in the New Testament.
  • For additional information about the key concepts of ABC curriculum, input the following link into your browser:
  • Other resources we use include Bible Truths (BJU Press); David C. Cook; Children's ministry deals.

If you are a member of SVCC, have a heart for children, and are interested in serving in the children's ministry please contact Jim Curtis, Children Ministries Coordinator