Anchors in the Storm

Series: Acts

Speaker: Dean Wiebracht

August 9, 2020


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Questions for Reflection and Discussion

Acts 27

Anchors in the Storm

Digging In

  1. Read vss. 1-12. Finally, Paul is on his way to Rome.  Who were his traveling companions?
  2. On a map in the back of your Bible, trace Paul’s journey from Caesarea to Fair Havens on the island of Crete.
  3. Why did most of the people want to try to go on to Phoenix? Why didn’t Paul think it was a good idea?  (vss. 9-12)
  4. Read vss. 13-20. Write a brief summary of these verses.
  5. What indicators does Luke give us that their situation was extremely desperate?
  6. Read vss. 21-26. Why had Paul not lost hope?
  7. How did Paul show compassion for his shipmates?
  8. Read vss. 27-32. What did Paul tell the centurion when the sailors tried to sneak away in a lifeboat?  How do we reconcile Paul’s admonition in v. 31 with what he said in vss. 22-24?
  9. Read vss. 33-38. Why was Paul so confident?  How did he encourage his shipmates?
  10. Read vss. 39-44. How do these verses fulfill what God had told Paul earlier?  How did God use the centurion to save Paul’s life?

Getting Personal

  • Sooner or later, all of us experience the storms of life. What are some storms that have come your way in the last few years?
  • Look again at vss. 23-25. How did God encourage Paul?  How did Paul encourage himself in the Lord?
  • How can we also be encouraged by the promise of God’s presence? (see Matt 28:18-20; Heb 13:5-6)
  • How can we be encouraged by reminding ourselves of the great truths that we belong to God, that we are his adopted sons and daughters, and that nothing can separate us from his great love for us? (Rom 8:28-39; Eph 1:4-6)


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